6-18-91 SUBJECT: FY 1992 HUD Very Low-Income and Low-Income Limits The data file for FY 1992 contains the Very Low-Income and Lower-Income limits for every county in the nation. This means that multi-county metropolitan areas will have a record for each county, all with the same income limits. "LIM92ALL" is a normal ASCII data file that can be read by a variety of software. The LIM91ALL file has 3211 3-line records with the following file layout: Line # Format Data Element 1 2x 2 spaces A16 State abbrev.& County Name 5X 5 unused spaces I10 MSA code I10 FIPS code (5 unused spaces, 2 digits for state and 3 digits for county) I10 FY 1992 median family income estimate I10 FY 1992 relevant State nonmetro median income 2 8I10 Section 8 1-8 person Very Low inocme limits 3 8I10 Section 8 1-8 person Lower Income limits The name field is left-justified and the number fields are right-justified.