Research Maps (R-MAPS): Volume 2: Selected Research Data Sets for 1998
February 2001
Research Maps (R-MAPS), a PD&R initiative, initiates a new
series of HUD products designed to democratize housing and
urban data, making the data more widely accessible and useful
to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. The
geographically coded data in these CD-ROMS - readable through
most desktop geographic information systems (GIS) - will
enable you to apply the powerful tools of spatial analysis to
a wide variety of housing and urban issues in your locality
and elsewhere throughout the United States.
Volume 2 contains geographic files with program data on
American Housing Survey, Government Sponsored Enterprises and
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit,
Picture of Subsidized Households, and State of the Cities.
Additionally, we include boundary files for the MSAs, central
cities, and suburbs for the State of the Cities database. We
hope you find it useful in your work.