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Examples of queries you can generate in just a few clicks:

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Examples of queries you can generate in just a few clicks:

Example 1: Determine the average income of all HUD-assisted households in each state.

1) Create a query with state as the geographic level.
2) On the next screen, highlight all the states. You may also include Puerto Rico, Guam, and other trust territories
3) Choose Total for HUD Programs
4) Choose the variables name, code, hh_income, number_reported, and percent_reported. This will tell you the number of cases on which the household incomes are based.
5) Choose HTML tables as the the output type so you can easily read and print your data.

Example 2: For each of three HUD programs, find out the percent of participants whose income is derived primarily from wages, for the nation’s ten largest public housing agencies (PHAs).

1) Create a query with public housing agency as the geographic level.
2) Choose PHAs by PHA size, highlighting the top ten PHAs (this is based on their total program).
3) Specify the program, in this case highlighting all three programs on the list.
4) Choose the variables name, code, and percent_maj_wage. You might also want to include the variables number_reported and percent_reported.
5) Select HTML table as output for easy reading and printing.

Example 3: Create a count of the number of households using Section 8 tenant-based assistance in each place within a state, and bring into a spreadsheet.

1) Create a query with place as the geographic level.
2) Choose places within a state, highlighting all if you wish.
3) Select Section 8 Certificates and Vouchers as the program.
4) Choose the variables name, code, and number_reported.
5) Now, output to comma-delimited text and follow the instructions for importing your data into Excel.