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Breakthroughs Highlights Regulatory Reform at the State Level

Your latest issue of Breakthroughs is now available at
In this issue, we look at state efforts to craft
regulatory reform that supports and promotes
affordable housing. As part of the NOFA process, HUD
will be awarding extra credit to applicants from state
agencies and from others seeking funding for projects
located in unincorporated areas or areas otherwise not
covered by local land use or building authority where
regulatory reforms have been successfully deployed.
The April '04 Breakthroughs provides some examples of
these state efforts.

In this issue we discuss...

o State regulatory reform programs in general, with
links to a number of state reform publications and

o How Maine's legislature established a subcommittee
to review local regulatory barriers and make
recommendations; and

o How Pennsylvania's Department of Community and
Economic Development created a publication to assist
local governments with removing regulatory barriers.

We hope you'll find the information in this issue of
Breakthroughs useful. If you've had a similar
experience or have a story to tell, please give us a
call at 1-800-245-2691 / option 4, or contact us at

To find the Federal Register Notice on the new
incentive criteria for both local jurisdictions and
state agencies or other applicants, please go to the
RBC home page at and click
on the "HUD's NOFA Regulatory Barriers Selection
Criteria" in the upper right hand corner of the Web