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Worst Case Housing Needs in 2007

14 June 2010    
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Worst Case Housing Needs in 2007
Picture of homes.The twelfth in a series of annual HUD reports to Congress, Worst Case Housing Needs 2007 finds that in that year, 5.91 million unassisted very low-income households ― or almost 13 million individuals ― paid more than half their monthly income for rent, lived in severely substandard housing, or both. Although relatively stable from 2005 to 2007, there was a 19.6% increase in worst case needs (WCN) households between 2001 and 2005. These families were located in all regions of the country and across central cities, suburbs, and nonmetropolitan areas. The report shows that the supply of affordable and available rental units was insufficient for meeting the housing needs of extremely low-income (below 30% of the area median income) renters.
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Key Findings

  • 93% (5.48 million) experienced severe rent burden;

  • 73% (4.33 million) had extremely low incomes;

  • 37% (2.19 million) had at least one child under 18. Nearly half of these were working the equivalent of full-time and earning at least minimum wage. 404,000 of families with children had an adult with a disability;

  • 20.5% (1.21 million) were elderly, 10% (602,000) were non-elderly disabled, and 32% (1.9) million were classified as other;

  • 2.92 million were non-Hispanic white, 1.35 million were non-Hispanic black, and 1.23 million were Hispanic; and

  • More than 40% of the city dwellers lived in higher poverty neighborhoods, while those living in suburbs and nonmetropolitan areas were in low-poverty neighborhoods.

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