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Re: AHS Voucher Coverage / Housing Adequacy (was AHS 2015 Geographic Coverage) - 6


>>I agree that this is an excellent discussion. My question is how do we determine, that is what variable gets at the project based section 8 or assisted units/households. I see that the HUDADMIN gets the public housing, but what is the variable/field for projected based section 8? <<


We have always have had trouble identifying private project-based assistance. Things are a little better in 2011, but there still will be misidentification of both types. If HUDADMIN = 3, then the unit is “privately owned subsidized housing.” That would include (mostly) project-based section 8. In addition, we have HUDSAMP, which is the variable that indicates that the unit is in the assisted oversample. If HUDSAMP = 1 and it is not public housing, then it is some kind of private, project-based assisted housing.

As I mentioned in earlier messages, we cannot always match HUD administrative records to Census MAF addresses. Units we can’t match would not be flagged by HUDADMIN. Such a unit, not in the oversample and not matched, would have to be identified by the answers to the instrument’s housing assistance questions—which, as I’ve mentioned, are entirely satisfactory either.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
451 7th Street SW, Room 8222
Washington, DC 20410

Phone 202-402-5890