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AHS 2001 Public Use File Update

There is a new public use dataset for 2001 national AHS available for
download from the HUD USER web site, at:

The Census Bureau and HUD released a new dataset in order to add a
variable, WGT90GEO.  No existing variables have been changed.  The new
variable is an alternative weight for AHS records.  This new weight is
adjusted for 1990 metropolitan geography.  The standard weight variable,
WEIGHT, is adjusted for 1980 geography, in order to be consistent with
previous surveys.  Both weights sum to national control totals as of 2001.
Thus, totals for all units will match when computed with both sets of
weights, although occupied unit totals do not match.

We recommend that the 1990 geography-based weight be used for matching
numbers from the public use file (PUF) with numbers in the publication at
the US and Census region level. For historical comparisons, use the 1980
geography-based weights, as these are comparable to previous public
use files.  Use the standard (1980 geography-based) weights for current
comparisons of geographic areas,  because only 1980 geography is identified
on the 2001 PUF.

For more details about how weights are computed, see Appendix B of the
publication.  Also, Table V in Appendix C compares some key tabulations
using the two sets of weights.

The web site current has the new full dataset in SAS and ASCII formats.  It
also has a new documentation file which gives basic tabulations using both
sets of weights.  We will soon publish an update package, so that those of
you that already have the dataset can save yourselves the trouble of
downloading the whole thing again.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890