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0) { $anchor_name = substr($anchor_name, 0, strpos($anchor_name, ",")-1); } $ddrgphotoname = trim(odbc_result($rsD,"ddrgphotoname")); if(is_null($ddrgphotoname) || empty($ddrgphotoname)) { $ddrgphoto = "nophotoavailable.jpg"; $ddrgphotoalt = "No Photo Available"; } else { $ddrgphoto=odbc_result($rsD,"ddrgphotoname") . ".jpg"; $ddrgphotoalt = $author_name; } $ddrgtopicid=odbc_result($rsD,"topicId"); if (odbc_result($rsD,"yr_granted")!="") { echo '

Author: ' . $author_name . "

" . PHP_EOL ; } else { echo "

Author: " . $author_name . "

" . PHP_EOL ; } } if (odbc_result($rsD,"yr_granted")!="" ) { echo "

Year of DDRG Award: " . odbc_result($rsD,"yr_granted") . "

" . PHP_EOL; } if (odbc_result($rsD,"school")!="") { echo "

Grantee University: " . odbc_result($rsD,"school") . "

" . PHP_EOL; } if (odbc_result($rsD,"title") != "") { //echo "

Dissertation Title: " . odbc_result($rsD,"title") . "

" . PHP_EOL; echo "

Dissertation Title: " . convert_smart_quotes(odbc_result($rsD,"title")) . "

" . PHP_EOL; } $currentemployment = odbc_result($rsD,"currentemployment"); if ($currentemployment != "") { echo "

Current Employment: " . $currentemployment . "

" . PHP_EOL; } $speciality = odbc_result($rsD,"speciality"); if ($speciality != "") { echo "

Research Subject Areas: " . $speciality . "

" . PHP_EOL; } $biography = odbc_result($rsD,"biography"); if ($biography != "") { echo "

" . convert_smart_quotes($biography) . "

" . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo "

No record has been found.

"; } } else { header("Location: " . $fromUrl); } } else { header("Location: " . $fromUrl); } ?>

Read all DDRG spotlight biographies

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" . PHP_EOL; if ($row_count1 !=0) { while (odbc_fetch_row($rsT)) { echo "
  • " . convert_smart_quotes(odbc_result($rsT,"Title")) . "
  • " . PHP_EOL; } } echo "" . PHP_EOL; } ?>