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Cityscape: Volume 26 Number 1 | Local Data for Local Action | Promoting Affordable Housing in Well-Resourced Neighborhoods: A Regional Approach to Assessing Neighborhood Resources in New York State


Local Data for Local Action

Volume 26 Number 1

Mark D. Shroder
Michelle P. Matuga

Promoting Affordable Housing in Well-Resourced Neighborhoods: A Regional Approach to Assessing Neighborhood Resources in New York State

Pooya Ghorbani
Courtney Wolf
Ben Wetzler
Simon McDonnell
Bobbetta Davis
Parker Pence
New York State Homes and Community Renewal

Disclaimer: The authors are employees of New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). However, any analyses, conclusions, and views expressed in this article should not be considered the views or positions of HCR and/or the state of New York.

Studies have extensively explored the neighborhood effects on low-income families’ welfare and the future outcomes of their children. These studies have motivated public policy at various levels to encourage “moving to opportunity”—improving access to affordable housing in neighborhoods with better resources. This study constructs a comprehensive Neighborhood Resource Index score for assessing the resource levels of neighborhoods in New York State. This index is based entirely on publicly available data and accounts for variations in the density and urban nature of different regions across the state. The article uses this index score to explore the placement of affordable housing built with support from Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. It demonstrates the applicability of the index in improving access to affordable housing in well-resourced areas. The findings indicate that although units have been disproportionately built in lower-score neighborhoods, policies and initiatives, such as those employed by New York State, can offer strategies for increasing the amount of affordable housing in neighborhoods with higher resource scores.

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