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Cityscape: Volume 23 Number 2 | The Rental Assistance Demonstration | The Hispanic Housing Experience in the United States


Double Issue: The Rental Assistance Demonstration | The Hispanic Housing Experience in the United States

Volume 23 Number 2

Mark D. Shroder
Michelle P. Matuga

Urban Renewal or Earthquake Preparedness: Lessons from Israel’s National Master Plan for Earthquake Preparedness (TAMA 38)

Moshe Shamai
Ravit Hananel
Tel Aviv University

TAMA 38 is a national master plan for reinforcing existing structures against earthquakes and has been Israel’s flagship urban renewal policy during the past decade. This study analyzes the effect of TAMA 38 at both the national and local levels. At the national level, we analyze the spatial distribution of TAMA 38 projects and the plan’s pace of implementation. At the local level, we examine the influence of extensive TAMA 38 redevelopment on a neighborhood’s diversity and the local authority’s infrastructure and budget. The research findings and the lessons that can be learned from the Israeli case may assist decisionmakers elsewhere seeking new policy tools for addressing the need to reinforce buildings against earthquakes and the emerging need for urban renewal of city centers.

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