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AHAR Reports


AHAR Reports

The Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) is a HUD report to the U.S. Congress that provides nationwide estimates of homelessness, including information about the demographic characteristics of homeless persons, service use patterns, and the capacity to house homeless persons. The report is based on Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) data about persons who experience homelessness during a 12-month period, point-in-time counts of people experiencing homelessness on one day in January, and data about the inventory of shelter and housing available in a community.

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Please note that as of FY 2018 the AHAR data submission process for CoCs has been replaced by the Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) report submitted via the Homelessness Data Exchange, version 2.0.

2023 Reports

2023 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2023. Specifically, this report provides 2023 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: December 2023

2022 Reports

2022 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2022. Specifically, this report provides 2022 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: December 2022

2022 AHAR: Part 2 – Annual Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. For each of these populations, the estimates describe how homelessness has changed over time and provide a demographic profile of homelessness in America. The AHAR is delivered each year to the U.S. Congress, and its contents are used to inform Federal, State, and local policies to prevent and end homelessness. Information pertaining to homeless veterans is incorporated into this report.

Date Published: August 2024

2021 Reports

2021 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2021. Specifically, this report provides 2021 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth. Because of pandemic-related disruptions to counts of unsheltered homeless people in January 2021, this report focuses on people experiencing sheltered homelessness.

Date Published: February 2022

2021 AHAR: Part 2 - Annual Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. For each of these populations, the estimates describe how homelessness has changed over time and provide a demographic profile of homelessness in America. The AHAR is delivered each year to the U.S. Congress, and its contents are used to inform Federal, State, and local policies to prevent and end homelessness. Information pertaining to homeless veterans is incorporated into this report.

Date Published: July 2023

2020 Reports

2020 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2020. Specifically, this report provides 2020 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: March 2021

2020 AHAR: Part 2 - Annual Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. For each of these populations, the estimates describe how homelessness has changed over time and provide a demographic profile of homelessness in America. Due to capacity constraints on communities from their COVID-19 response HUD combined the 2019 and 2020 data submission process. HUD made some minor updates to the methodology in this report, resulting in 2019 being a new baseline for comparing AHAR changes over time. The AHAR is delivered each year to the U.S. Congress, and its contents are used to inform Federal, State, and local policies to prevent and end homelessness. Information pertaining to homeless veterans is incorporated into this report.

Date Published: August 2022

2019 Reports

2019 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2019 Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2019. Specifically, this report provides 2019 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: January 2020

2018 Reports

2018 AHAR: Part 2 - Annual Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. For each of these populations, the estimates describe how homelessness has changed over time and provide a demographic profile of homelessness in America. In 2018, HUD shifted its data collection platform to the Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA), which collects more detailed information on the characteristics of and system use by people experiencing homelessness. While this shift provides exciting new opportunities, the entirely new methodology used to produce the report this year means that estimates in this report cannot be compared to those from prior years. The AHAR is delivered each year to the U.S. Congress, and its contents are used to inform Federal, State, and local policies to prevent and end homelessness. Information pertaining to homeless veterans is incorporated into this report.

Date Published: September 2020

2018 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2018 Point-In-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) conducted in January 2018. Specifically, this report provides 2018 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: December 2018

2017 Reports

2017 AHAR: Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2017 AHAR: Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. This report is the second part of a two-part series.

Date Published: October 2018

2017 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2017 PIT count and HIC conducted in January 2017. Specifically, this report provides 2017 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: December 2017

2016 Reports

2016 AHAR: Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2016 AHAR: Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. This report is the second part of a two-part series.

Date Published: December 2017

2016 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2016 PIT count and HIC conducted in January 2016. Specifically, this report provides 2016 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: November 2016

2015 Reports

2015 AHAR: Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2015 AHAR: Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. This report is the second part of a two-part series.

Date Published: October 2016

2015 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2015 PIT count and HIC conducted in January 2015. Specifically, this report provides 2015 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: November 2015

2014 and Prior Reports

2014 AHAR: Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2014 AHAR: Part 2 presents the 2014 national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations. This report is the second part of a two-volume series.

Date Published: December 2015

2014 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness

This report outlines the key findings of the 2014 PIT and HIC counts conducted in January 2014. Specifically, this report provides 2014 national, state, and CoC-level PIT and HIC estimates of homelessness, as well as estimates of chronically homeless persons, homeless veterans, and homeless children and youth.

Date Published: December 2014

2013 AHAR: Part 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2013 AHAR: Part 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations.

Date Published: February 2015

2013 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2013 PIT and HIC counts conducted in January 2013.

Date Published: November 2013

2012 AHAR: Volume 2 - Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

The 2012 AHAR: Volume 2 presents the most recent national estimates of homelessness, focusing on people who experience homelessness as individuals, as family members, and as members of specific subpopulations.

Date Published: September 2013

2012 AHAR: Volume 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S.

This report outlines the key findings of the 2012 PIT counts conducted in January 2012. Specifically, this report provides 2012 PIT estimates and national PIT estimates of homelessness, as well as national estimates of homelessness by state, estimates of chronic homelessness, and estimates of homeless veterans.

Date Published: December 2012

2011 AHAR and Supplemental Reports

Information pertaining to homeless veterans is incorporated into this report. In addition, the 2011 Supplemental Report outlines the key findings of the 2011 PIT counts conducted in January 2011.

Date Published: December 2012

First Quarter 2011 Homelessness Pulse Report

This report is intended to help HUD, policymakers, and other interested parties, gain a better understanding of the impact of the current economic crisis on homelessness, as it reports quarterly compared to the AHAR which is done annually.

Date Published: August 2011

2010 AHAR to Congress

The 2010 AHAR provides the results of local counts of people homeless on a single night in January 2010, as well as estimates of the number, characteristics, and service patterns of all people who used residential programs for homeless people during the 2010 federal Fiscal Year.

Date Published: June 2011

Veteran Homelessness: A Supplemental Report to the 2010 AHAR to Congress

This annual supplemental report is intended to provide policymakers, practitioners, and the general public with information about the extent and nature of veteran homelessness.

Date Published: October 2011

First Quarter 2010 Homelessness Pulse Report

This fifth quarterly report compares data from the end of March 2010 with information from four previous quarters in 2009. This report also updates a set of indicators of local economic and social conditions providing context for the trends in homelessness within each community.

Date Published: October 2010

2009 AHAR to Congress

This report is intended for policymakers, planners, and service providers who seek current homelessness data to help them respond to the needs of the nation's homeless population in 2009.

Date Published: June 2010

Veteran Homelessness: A Supplemental Report to the 2009 AHAR to Congress

This annual supplemental report is intended to provide policymakers, practitioners, and the general public with information about the extent and nature of veteran homelessness.

Date Published: December 2010

Fourth Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report

The fourth quarterly report compares homelessness data from the end of December 2009 with information from previous quarters in 2009.

Date Published: May 2010

2008 AHAR to Congress

This report includes an introduction to the AHAR, as well as information on the national estimates of all homeless people, shelter and unsheltered.

Date Published: July 2009

2007 AHAR to Congress

The data provide information on the number of homeless persons within particular subpopulations as well as information on the national inventory of homeless shelter beds.

Date Published: July 2008

The Second AHAR to Congress

The AHAR report contains key findings about sheltered homeless persons, a profile of sheltered homeless persons during a six-month period, and a discussion of the nation's capacity for housing homeless persons.

Date Published: March 2008

The First Annual AHAR to Congress

This report includes an introduction to the AHAR, as well as information on the sources of data on homeless persons.

Date Published: February 2007