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Granny Flats. An Assessment of Economic and Land Use Issues


Report Acceptance Date: January 1983 (108 Pages)

Posted Date: June 14, 2012

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In recent years, there has been increasing interest in alternative approaches for housing the elderly. Particular attention has been directed at the potential of placing small housing units for the elderly adjacent to existing single family homes. These units are generally known as "Granny Flats" or "ECHO housing" (Elder Cottage Housing Opportunities). Already, over 20 communities and the State of California have enacted legislation designed to accommodate this new housing concept. Interest has been stimulated by experience in the state of Victoria, Australia, where over 500 Granny Flats have been installed. However, localities in this country have had little practical experience with their use.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Publications     Homelessness and Special Needs Services    


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