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Housing Adequacy related questions

Couple of specific questions about the components of the housing quality
measure (ZADEQ)

Q1. How do we know that a unit has no electricity?

This is a component of the ZADEQ variable and the description of the
variable uses BUYE=1 to indicate that the unit has no electricity. The
variable BUYE=1, if "not used". Does this mean that electricity is not
used in the unit and thus we can conclude that the unit has no electricity?

Q 2. How do we know the question on fuses blown or breakers tripped (IFBLOW
and NUMBLOW) is limited to experiences within the last 90 days?

The composite measure suggests that this is the case. The questions prior
to the 1997 survey specify this condition but the codebook for the 1997+
surveys does not explicitly state this problem should have occurred in the
last 90 days. Are we to assume that these questions do indeed refer to
experiences within the past 90 days?


Bulbul Kaul
Abt Associates Inc.