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Fourth Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report

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AHAR  > Fourth Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report

Fourth Quarter 2009 Homelessness Pulse Project Report

Posted Date: May 2010


This report is intended to help HUD, policymakers, and other interested parties, gain a better understanding of the impact of the current economic crisis on homelessness, as it reports quarterly compared to the AHAR which is done annually. The fourth quarterly report compares data from the end of December 2009 with information from previous quarters in 2009. This report also updates a set of indicators of local economic and social conditions providing context for the trends in homelessness within each community. The economic indicators are intended to give a sense of changing conditions in the participating areas.

To view all AHARs since 2007, visit the AHAR page.

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