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HUD Hosts Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program Twitter Town Hall

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February 24, 2012  

HUD Hosts Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program Twitter Town Hall

On February 28 at 3:30 p.m. EST, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development, Erika Poethig will host a Twitter town hall to launch the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Fellowship Program. The fellowship program is one component of the Obama Administration’s Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) initiative that helps provide capacity assistance to cities across America.

During the Twitter town hall, Secretary Donovan and Erika Poethig will provide more details about how you can apply for the SC2 Fellowship Program and be a part of this new generation of innovative leaders committed to public service. They will tweet about eligibility, timing, selection criteria, and other details you will want to know to apply. The event will be streamed live on HUD’s website. Twitter users will be able to ask questions in advance and during the Town Hall using the hashtag #AskSOHUD.

HUD looks forward to this conversation – please join us next week. You may also read Erika Poethig’s blog post about the Twitter town hall and fellowship program announcement here.


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