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Cityscape: Volume 25 Number 3 | 100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning


100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning

Volume 25 Number 3

Mark D. Shroder
Michelle P. Matuga

100 Years of Federal-Model Zoning

Guest Editor's Introduction
Pamela M. Blumenthal

Single-Family Zoning and the Police Power: Early Debates in Boston and Seattle
John Infranca

Of Pigs in Parlors: The Politics of Local Zoning “Reform”
Royce Hanson

A National Zoning Atlas to Inform Housing Research, Policy, and Public Participation
Wenfei Xu, Scott Markley, Sara C. Bronin, Diana Drogaris

How Can State Governments Influence Local Zoning to Support Healthier Housing Markets?
Jenny Schuetz

Accessory Dwelling Units and the Preemption of Land Use Regulation
Christopher Wielga

How Government Policy Made Housing Expensive and Scarce, and How Unleashing Market Forces Can Address It
Edward Pinto and Tobias Peter

An International Perspective on the U.S. Zoning System
Paul Cheshire


Affordable Design

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Erratum Notice



Cityscape is published three times a year by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Subscriptions are available at no charge and single copies at a nominal fee. The journal is also available on line at

PD&R welcomes submissions to the Refereed Papers section of the journal. Our referee process is double blind and timely, and our referees are highly qualified. The managing editor will also respond to authors who submit outlines of proposed papers regarding the suitability of those proposals for inclusion in Cityscape. Send manuscripts or outlines to

Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of HUD or the U.S. government.

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