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Cityscape: Volume 1 Number 1


Proceedings of the Regional Growth and Community Development Conference, November 1993, Washington, D.C.

Volume 1, Number 1

Ann R. Weeks


Proceedings of the Regional Growth and Community Development Conference, November 1993

Advisory Board

Editor: Michael A. Stegman

Managing Editor: Ann R. Weeks

Guest Editors: James R. Follain, John P. Ross

Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research strives to share HUD-funded and other research on housing and urban policy issues with scholars, government officials, and others involved in setting policy and determining the direction of future research.

Cityscape focuses on innovative ideas, policies, and programs that show promise in revitalizing cities and regions, renewing their infrastructure, and creating economic opportunities. A typical issue consists of articles that examine various aspects of a theme of particular interest to our audience.

From the Editor

Michael A. Stegman, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research

Welcome to Cityscape, a new journal that will be published three times a year by HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) and will include both HUD-funded and other research. We hope you find it both stimulating and useful.

One of PD&R's missions is to advise the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development on ideas that deserve attention, on policies that show promise, and on programs that work. By extension, PD&R both informs and is informed by national debate and discussion on housing and urban policy issues among scholars in universities, research centers, and think tanks, and in offices of government at all levels.

It is in this context that we believe Cityscape will prove useful in informing the policy-making community. In the journal we intend to ask probing questions, challenge long-held assumptions, critique new initiatives, and encourage innovative thinking, creative policy, and sensible programmatic approaches. Through this publication and other initiatives, PD&R intends to continue to strengthen its position on the national research and policy scene.

We begin publication by addressing some big questions: Why do some cities grow while others languish? How can a community or neighborhood create economic opportunities? How can communities enter partnerships that add to the growth of the entire city and even the region?

Much has been written on these matters, of course, but the best of current thinking is always worth listening to, and that is what happened when I convened the Regional Growth and Community Development Conference in November 1993. The articles in this inaugural issue of Cityscape are edited versions of the papers presented at that conference. Some of the articles offer observations for Federal, State, and local government policymakers to consider in examining land use, infrastructure renewal, economic development, and growth management policies and practices. Others explore ways that nonprofit institutions and community groups can prepare neighborhoods and their residents for new economic opportunities. Still other articles address the importance of metropolitan wide cooperation in designing and implementing economic development plans.

These articles also point to directions for future research by PD&R or others. Economic relationships and interactions occurring within regions, it is clear, have not received sufficient attention. Not enough is known about how a community can stimulate its own growth.

I hope that this and future issues of Cityscape refresh, inform, and challenge your thinking on today's important urban policy issues. We welcome your comments and suggestions, and will publish them from time to time. Please join PD&R in linking the best research we can achieve to policy decisions that will deeply affect the people of our Nation.

Introduction from Guest Editors
by James R. Follain and John P. Ross

Cities, Information, and Economic Growth
by Edward L. Glaeser

Comments on "Cities, Information, and Economic Growth"
by James R. Follain

On the Dynamics of Growth and Poverty in Cities
by Marcellus Andrews

Externalities and Industrial Development
Vernon Henderson

Regional Economic Performance and Industrial Composition
by Teresa Garcia-Milà and Therese J. McGuire

Comments on Papers by Henderson, Andrews, and Garcia-Milà and McGuire
by Norman J. Glickman

Socioeconomic Changes in Distressed Cities During the 1980s
by Sue G. Neal and Harold L. Bunce

Interethnic Disparity Across Census Divisions, 1980-90
by William Darity, Jr., and William Winfrey

Spatially Targeted Economic Development Strategies: Do They Work
by Helen F. Ladd

The Spatial Mismatch Between Jobs and Residential Locations Within Urban Areas
by Keith Ihlanfeldt

Social Structures as Economic Growth Tools
by Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.

What Should the Federal Government Be Doing About Urban Economic Development?
by Timothy J. Bartik

Metropolitan Fiscal Disparities
by Roy Bahl



Cityscape is published three times a year by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Subscriptions are available at no charge and single copies at a nominal fee. The journal is also available on line at http://www.

PD&R welcomes submissions to the Refereed Papers section of the journal. Our referee process is double blind and timely, and our referees are highly qualified. The managing editor will also respond to authors who submit outlines of proposed papers regarding the suitability of those proposals for inclusion in Cityscape. Send manuscripts or outlines to

Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of HUD or the U.S. government.

Visit PD&R’s website,, to find this publication and others sponsored by PD&R. Other services of HUD USER, PD&R’s research information service, include listservs, special interest and bimonthly publications (best practices and significant studies from other sources), access to public use databases, and a hotline (800–245–2691) for help with accessing the information you need.


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