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Partner Satisfaction with HUD's Performance: 2005 Survey Results and Trends since 2001


Report Acceptance Date: March 2006 (113 pages)

Posted Date: March 01, 2006

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In order to serve the American people, HUD works through various key implementation partners such as local governments, public housing agencies, and owners of multifamily housing. The views of these partner groups about how HUD is doing are relevant, since the quality of these relationships affects the Department's ability to assist the American public. Periodically, measuring partner satisfaction serves as a "report card" for HUD's relationship with its partners.

The results from a 2005 series of independent, confidential surveys of HUD partners are now available in this report, which focuses on eight partner groups, selected by respective HUD program offices, that represent a range of significant constituencies. The groups surveyed include Community Development Departments, Public Housing Agencies, Fair Housing Assistance Programs, non-profit organizations affiliated with the National Housing Partnership Network, owners of Section 202/811, HUD-insured, and HUD-assisted multifamily properties, and mayors. Their responses indicate the level of partner satisfaction in 2005, document changes in partner satisfaction between 2001 and 2005, and examine current issues involving partner relationships. In addition to asking about general levels of satisfaction, the surveys assess partners' views of specific management issues and initiatives.

2005 Data Binders:



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