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Affordable Housing Demonstration - A Case Study, Portland, Oregon


Author(s): NAHB Research Center Inc.    

Report Acceptance Date: January 1986 (39 Pages)

Posted Date: February 07, 2012

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Portland, county seat of Multnomah County, is the largest city in Oregon, with a 1980 population of 368,139 and 100 square miles of land. In 1980 the median household income in the city was $23,098. The average 1983 horne price in the county was $70,607; new homes generally ranged from $69,000 to $81,500.

HUD designated Portland and builder/developer Mike Robinson participants in the Affo;dable Housing Demonstration in 1983. Black Bull Enterprises, Robinson's company, began construction on the 6-acre demonstration site, North Meadow Village, in 1984.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Publications     Affordable Housing    


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