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Information for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs)


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Information for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs)

Introduction and Background

The Innovation in Affordable Housing Student Design and Planning Competition is an exciting initiative from HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R). Now celebrating its eleventh year, the competition invites teams of graduate students from multiple disciplines to submit plans in response to a real life affordable housing design issue.

The goals of the competition are:

  • To encourage research and innovation in affordable housing that strengthens the quality of life, social and physical fabric of low- and moderate-income communities and neighborhoods.
  • To increase practitioner capacity to produce more livable and sustainable housing for low- and moderate-income communities through best practices in building design and construction.
  • To foster cross-cutting teamwork within the design and community development process.

After the submission of initial applications, a jury of five industry representatives will select the student team finalists. These finalists, comprised of four teams, will visit the site of the affordable housing design and planning project they are addressing, and further refine their applications. Several weeks after the site visit, all jurors and finalists will travel to Washington, D.C. for the final competition event at HUD Headquarters. At this event, finalist teams will present their revised project solutions in front of the jury and an audience. Following the presentations, the jury will deliberate and select the winners and runners-up. The winning team will receive $20,000, the runner up team will receive $10,000, and the remaining two teams will receive $5,000 each. If pandemic conditions are unsafe for travel, a virtual final competition event will be held.

PHA, Tribe and TDHE Involvement

PD&R will work with a PHA, tribe or TDHE that owns and operates a site that is designated for the student teams. PD&R will work with the PHA, tribe or TDHE to develop the necessary project briefing materials, including a comprehensive problem statement, background information on the project, community information, and relevant existing design proposals. The PHA, tribe or TDHE will also help facilitate a site visit with the student finalist teams. All expenses will be covered by PD&R, but the PHA, tribe or TDHE will need to have some staff time available to host the event. If pandemic conditions are unsafe for travel, a virtual site tour will be organized in place of an in-person site visit. PHA, tribal or TDHE staff will be invited to the final competition event at HUD Headquarters. PD&R and the PHA, tribe or TDHE partner will sign a Memorandum of Understanding outlining all responsibilities of each party.

PHA, Tribe or TDHE Benefits and Criteria

  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE will not receive any financial compensation for their participation. While there is no guarantee that the PHA, tribe or TDHE will receive implementable ideas, it is anticipated that the PHA, tribe or TDHE will receive some useful and innovative plans.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE shall be located within driving distance to a major airport to accommodate site visit travel.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE shall include a description of the physical site. The site can be a currently vacant parcel requiring new construction, or an existing housing development in need of infill, renovation, or expansion to achieve stated community goals.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE shall provide HUD with sufficient written background information to provide students with adequate information for producing their initial site plans. Photos and site maps are strongly preferred, as they would facilitate the planning process.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE shall provide a clear problem statement to PD&R to ensure the students’ full understanding of the issues that need to be resolved.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE must define a goal for a project that aligns with the Department’s mission.
  • The PHA, tribe or TDHE must have staff time available and sufficient capacity to answer questions about the site development and to help facilitate the student visit to the site.
  • If pandemic conditions are unsafe for travel, a virtual site tour will be organized in place of an in-person site visit. The PHA, tribe or TDHE must have staff available to help facilitate a virtual site visit.


Outreach to graduate schools and creation of the design issue and competition materials will take place in the fall of 2024, and the competition will officially launch in October 2024.

PD&R expects to have a PHA, tribe or TDHE on board later than October 2024. The site visit will occur in early March 2025, and the final competition event at HUD will be held in mid-April 2025.


OMB Control Number: 2528-0324
Expiration Date: 01/31/2026